Monday, December 8, 2008


Welcome to my blog! My mundane name is Kasandra, but I am known in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Emine Hatun al-Tha'labii bint Abdullah.

I have been playing in the society for nearly a decade, but only "met" Emine last year (before that I was hanging out with this Irish girl whom I never really understood). Since then Emine and I have begun the long and arduous (but unbelievably fun and rewarding!) journey to "periodness." Thus, I have started this blog to serve as a chronicle of that journey as well as a place to record my musings along the way.

But this blog isn't only about the pursuit of accuracy. I have a little thing nicknamed "SCA ADD" where I get easily distracted by new and interesting activites and often drop everything else I'm currently doing to immerse myself head to toe in whatever shiny thing has wandered across my line of vision. These activities are usually related to period cooking or candymaking, needlework and other fiber arts (especially weaving!), or toymaking.

One of my favorite things to do is research a topic down to the smallest detail and then try to link it to Emine's world in some way. Or I will come up with a question and need to justify it for her.

Other times I will muse upon the SCA itself, its traditions and oddities. My fiance, Lord Ashikaga Hideyoshi, and I often ponder these things over dinners at our favorite Mexican restaurant (I blame it on the tortilla chips).

And every now and then this blog will serve as a place to outline garbmaking projects. I'm not the best seamstress, but I am improving in leaps and bounds and I don't think it's a half bad idea to have some sort of diary of the process.

So feel free to follow along, make a comment if you like, and we'll see what happens.

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